Selected publications arranged by research topic
General Philosophy of science
Natural Kinds (Cambridge Elements in the Philosophy of Science, 2024).
“Etiological Kinds,” Philosophy of Science 88 (2021), 1-21.
“Natural Kinds as Nodes in Causal Networks,” Synthese 195 (2018), 1379-1396.
“The Pitfalls of Microphysical Realism,” Philosophy of Science 78 (2011), 1156-1164.
“Temporal and Counterfactual Possibility,” Sorites 20 (2008), 37-42.
“Natural Kinds and Crosscutting Categories,” Journal of Philosophy 95 (1998), 33-50.
Conceptual Change in Science, unpublished book manuscript (1995).
“Carving Nature at the Joints,” Philosophy of Science 60 (1993), 100-113.
philosophy of cognitive science, psychology, biology
“Innateness as a Natural Cognitive Kind,” Philosophical Psychology 29 (2016), 319-333.
“Innate Cognitive Capacities,” Mind & Language 22 (2007), 92-115.
“Nature and Nurture in Cognition,” British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 53 (2002), 251-272.
“Innateness and Domain Specificity,” Philosophical Studies 105 (2001), 191-210.
“Incommensurability in Cognitive Guise,” Philosophical Psychology 11 (1998), 29-43.
“Two Concepts of Concept,” Mind & Language 10 (1995), 402-422.
Philosophy of social science
“Historical Kinds in the Social World,” Philosophy of the Social Sciences, forthcoming.
(with Liam Murphy) “Disagreement about the Kind Law,” Jurisprudence 12 (2020), 1-16.
“Mind-Dependent Kinds,” Journal of Social Ontology 2 (2016), 223–246.
“Three Kinds of Social Kinds,” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 90 (2015), 96-112.
“Interactive Kinds,” British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 61 (2010), 335-360.
Arabic-Islamic Philosophy
Medieval Islamic Philosophical Writings (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005).
“Orientalisms in the Interpretation of Islamic Philosophy,” Radical Philosophy 135 (2006), 25-33.
“Averroes' Method of Re-Interpretation,” International Philosophical Quarterly 38 (1998), 175-185.
Book Reviews
Review of Crawford Elder, Real Natures and Familiar Objects, Mind 115 (2006), 149-152.
Review of Ian Hacking, Historical Ontology, Philosophy of Science 70 (2003), 449-452.
Review of Jerry Fodor, The Elm and the Expert, Biology and Philosophy 12 (1997), 275-280.
Review of Jerry Fodor and Ernest Lepore, Holism, Mind 102 (1993), 650-654.
“Cabbages and Kings,” Eighteen Fifty Four: Cambridge University Press Blog, 12 September 2013.